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Professional and custom portfolio web design services

The portfolio website is aimed at artists, musicians, videographers, entrepreneurs, freelancers, consultants, writers, graphic designers, photographers, professionals looking for work, new partners or business opportunities, etc.


Are you wondering about the need for a portfolio web design? Here are three reasons that will allow you to benefit from a Professional and custom portfolio website design :

portfolio web design allows you to have a much wider reach : Unlike the physical portfolio, which can only be shared during face-to-face meetings etc., the portfolio website is accessible at any time, any place via the internet, which will allow you to reach potential customers internationally.

portfolio web design allows for better flexibility and customization : The portfolio website design offers better flexibility and customization in terms of modifications (additions or deletions) and updates of modules, captions, galleries, works presented, etc. unlike a physical portfolio where everything must be reprinted and organized by hand.

portfolio web design allows you to reduce the physical effort required by more than half : Having a Professional and custom portfolio website will allow you to have a virtual gallery highlighting optimally your works, an effective digital marketing tool and an online or digital business card. Indeed, the portfolio web design removes all the effort and having to introduce yourself, talk about your activity and repeatedly give your contact details (to each interested person). So the portfolio website design does all this work for you.


Through our expertise in Graphic design, UI/UX design and Professional website design, we will convert your physical portfolio (portfolio of designs and models) into a digital showcase that promotes the best your activity, expertise, projects or achievements.


With the support of our international and in-depth expertise in web programming, content creation, and web design. We are committed to offering an optimized customer journey that guarantees smooth and intuitive navigation for your visitors (exceptional user experience) and improved natural SEO (for better visibility on search engines).


  • Outsourcing, maintenance and security of the portfolio web design (free webmaster services for the first 2 months)
  • Implementation of a graphic charter in cohesion with your activity and its sector: Fonts, colors, size, buttons carefully chosen
  • Optimal quality UX/UI design applied to the Professional and custom portfolio web design
  • Ultra dynamic animation of your web content to make your portfolio website as attractive as it is efficient: Excellent digital marketing strategy
  • A powerful database that can analyze the traffic of your visitors on your portfolio website in order to organize better your tasks and web content according to demand and location
  • A Professional portfolio website with <Responsive Design> (Optimal adaptation of the portfolio website for all types of devices: desktop computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones)


Basic Package :

  • design of the menu, header and footer of your portfolio website with integration of your logo and favicon
  • portfolio website design on a page called <site one page>
  • design of 5 sections max that represent your portfolio website menu (ex: home-about-skills-projects-contact)
  • Writing content for your portfolio web design (you have to provide us with your content)
  • Contact or (and) quote request form with a location plan if necessary for the portfolio website design
  • Integration of profiles or widgets from your social networks into the portfolio website to build


Economy Pack :

  • portfolio website design on a maximum of 3 different pages with all the settings of the Basic Package
  • Optimal formulation of your main keywords according to your sector of activity and your target locations
  • Qualitative writing and optimization of your web content around your relevant keywords for better SEO
  • Optimization and prioritization of all Hn tags on your portfolio website design, in 1 language max (e.g. French or English): The entire SEO process will be worked on (meta titles, meta descriptions, h1,h2,h3 headers ,h4... basic images, keywords, content…)

Business Pack :

  • portfolio website design on a maximum of 5 different pages with all the settings of the Economy Pack
  • Ultra qualitative and convincing writing of your web content for optimal SEO referencing
  • An ultra aesthetic and convincing design will be carefully applied to the Professional and custom portfolio website design
  • An ultra dynamic and effective animation of the content of your portfolio website to build in order to seduce the visitor and encourage them to contact you for a specific need or service
  • Integration of 3 additional pages: terms and conditions of use pages, privacy policy and legal notices with web content to provide as needed for your Professional and custom portfolio website design
  • Integration of a blog into the portfolio web design with complete writing of an article: Excellent digital marketing strategy
  • Integration of a member page and newsletter to the professional and custom portfolio website design (newsletter or newsletter)
  • Integration of a customer testimonials section with form to fill out if necessary
  • Optimization and prioritization of all Hn tags on your catalog website design, in 2 languages max (e.g. French and English) with a language translator applied 

  • Tailor-made Pack : Please contact us for a tailor-made quote concerning our professional and custom portfolio website design services (Necessary for your personalized choices such as for example: additional pages or sections of your choice, integration of Google Analytics, Google Search Console, etc.)

Professional and custom portfolio website design services

PriceFrom C$650.00
  • Basic package : Delivery time is 7 days

    Economy Pack : Delivery time is 12 days

    Business Pack : Delivery time is 14 days

    Tailor-made Pack : The delivery time will depend on the tailor-made functionalities to be added to the custom portfolio website design and will be communicated to you after knowledge of these infos


    1- How does the portfolio website design work when you order a service?

    All you have to do is let us know your suggestions or examples of portfolio website design you like etc. (give us a precise and explicit breakdown).

    2- You don't know which option to choose?

    If you have difficulty choosing an option, do not hesitate to contact us for more information and information regarding our Professional and custom portfolio website design services.

    3- Is there a cost for hosting the portfolio website?

    Yes, around  $125 USD per year for a portfolio website design.

    4- Are our websites reliable, secure and compatible with all types of devices?

    All our websites design are 100% secure, fast, compatible with different browsers & devices (responsive design), and user-friendly for your visitors (UX/UI design: optimal interface and user experience).

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